Saturday, May 25, 2024

Joke of the Day

(You've never heard this one before, because I made it up last night.)


Before going to bed Michael and I usually watch "The Eleventh Hour" on MSNBC. And then Michael, needing an antidote to all the high-profile crime committed by people who shouldn't be in positions of authority in government, suggests changing to the Hallmark channel to see which "stars" are appearing on reruns of "Murder She Wrote."

I came up with this joke between MSNBC and "the stars" (half asleep, walking up the stairs heading for bed).
What do you call celebrities who get lifetime jail sentences?

Stars in stripes forever.
Remember, you heard it here first.

I can't think of any other time in history where the scenario of this joke could even be plausible.

1 comment:

ksh said...

Well done!