Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Schubert in my head

I made this little collage in celebration of Franz Schubert's birthday (this past January 31st). I have been spending a great deal of time with Schubert these past several months. I started with one transcription, which showed me something about his musical thought process. But I was only a casual observer. After making my second Schubert transcription, he has taken up residence in my brain, informing my every musical thought, even when I am asleep (or trying to sleep).

Yesterday, because I could (I have a Henle edition of a volume of Schubert Sonatas that Michael gave me as a gift some ten or fifteen years ago), I took the plunge and sightread some Schubert on the piano.

I was shocked and thrilled to find that after all these years of practicing Bach, Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven on the piano I was able to actually make my way slowly through some Schubert. Ten years ago it seemed like something that I would never be able to do. Now Schubert is teaching me things that I have never before had the ability to understand. And he wrote enough piano music in his short life to continue to teach me for the rest of mine.


Anonymous said...

At first glance, the collage looks like a 19th century composer in a 21st century dunce cap. Perhaps not the imagery you intended.

Elaine Fine said...

That was intended to be a birthday hat!