Saturday, July 18, 2020

Eleanor Aller (of the Hollywood Quartet) Interview from 1994

Eleanor Aller's son Frederick Zlotkin gave me permission to post this amazing radio interview with his mother. In addition to being the cellist of the Hollywood Quartet, Aller was the principal cellist of the Warner Brothers studio orchestra from 1939 through the 1970s, so any cello solo you hear in any Warner Brothers movie is being played by her. The IMDB listing for her is clearly only partial.

You can hear more from the Hollywood Quartet because some very kind people have shared their Hollywood Quartet recordings on YouTube.

I found a great portal to all things having to do with the Hollywood String Quartet, which is part of the Felix Slatkin website. Don't miss the link about the friendship between the Slatkins and Frank Sinatra.

You will surely want to explore these pages and links after hearing the interview.

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