Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Physical distancing, social solidarity

My friend Charles Delman writes:
The phrase ``social distancing'' may have given some the false impression that the purpose is individual protection. We should instead say ``physical distancing, social solidarity.'' The purpose of masks and physical distancing is to protect others, as well as oneself, and reduce the spread of the virus in the community as much as possible.

Social solidarity also requires the elimination of the racial and class inequities that underlie our obscenely unequal society, inequities that are enforced by our repressive policing system. Instead of allowing the repression of a large segment of our population with violence, let us instead build a society in which everyone is provided a good life, with access to good nutrition, good housing, good education, good health care, a healthy environment, and the other fundamentals of a fulfilling life, as a matter of right, rather than as commodities to be bought and sold.

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