Friday, April 17, 2020

Birthday Piece Number Twelve for Viola d'amore and Piano

It's that time of year again.

You can listen to a computer-generated recording (the piece lasts exactly three minutes) here.

This is the last in a set of twelve "Birthday Pieces" for viola d'amore and piano. I began this set with a fifty-measure-long piece when I turned fifty, and wrote a new "Birthday Piece" each April, adding one more measure per year. This year I am ending the set, and am celebrating my upcoming sixty-first birthday by adding eleven more measures to the final piece (sixty-one measures just couldn't hold all the music). Since I created this particular genre with its particular discipline, I have the power to do what I want with it. One of the perks of being a composer is that you get to decide the rules you want to follow, and then you get to break them.

You can find the music for this piece on this page of the IMSLP, and you can also find a transcription for violin there.

You can click here to see (and hear) all twelve pieces. And you can find a PDF of all twelve here. All together they make a set that takes about twenty-five minutes to play.

1 comment:

Lisa Hirsch said...

Happy birthday and best wishes for many more!