Saturday, February 29, 2020

Duo Mycorrhizae

I just learned that the Maine-based violin duo with the fantastic name of "Duo Mycorrhizae" will be playing a piece of mine on a couple of concerts in March and April. I haven't (yet) written any music based on fungi, but I have written a set of violin duets concerning different kinds of trees.

But ideas about the behavior of these nifty life forms are mushrooming in my brain. There is suddenly so much to explore!

Even though it is no longer classified as a fungus (kind of like Pluto not being classified as a planet, I guess), I will have to include a musical portrait of slime mold. I remember when I found some in the yard, and spent a wonderful afternoon at the university library going through the botany books with our (then maybe seven-year-old) son, and being fascinated. It was before the internets . . .

. . . where I'm about to go to learn more about mycorrhizae.

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