Friday, August 24, 2007

Oh oh, Soho, Yo-yo.

Oh dear. I feel like there might be a little friction or a little drama in the best crossover vs. worst crossover recordings answer on the Soho Quiz, and I certainly hope that my violist friends (Charles and Liz) in the blogosphere are not offended because a recording I really wanted to like turned out to be a disappointment for me.

Yes, there are worse crossover recordings. There are many of them. Probably thousands. My internal sanity-preservation machine wipes most of them out of my consciousness as soon as the recordings leave my hands and my house. I guess the recording in question is still on my shelf and still in my mind, so maybe it's not all that bad. I might even give it another listen.

Here are three alternatives that probably won't get me in trouble:

Classical Barbra, Ron Carter playing Bach Cello Suites (Michael reminded me of that one), and Diana Ross singing with Domingo and Carreras on Christmas in Vienna (the concert on TV had some selections from Handel's Messiah that they seem to have removed from the recording).


Liz said...

I'm not offended at all :)'s really cool to see everyone's responses to these questions. (Actually Heifetz playing Bach was quite high on my list. It woud be the first for my DH.)

Will check out the Carter Bach Suites! How neat.

nobleviola said...

No problems from my end!