Saturday, August 17, 2024

Hat Hack

It was a day that was both windy and sunny. I really wanted to wear my straw hat, but feared that it would fly off in the breeze.

So I opened a drawer in my desk and found an old shoelace (I always save them if they are in good shape). I fastened it to the little loop on the inside of the hat band, and look what happened!

When it is windy I can tie the shoelace under my chin, and if it isn't windy I can tuck the ties inside the hat.

Notice the bonus use of the shoelace to tie the hat around my waist if I don't want to wear it. Needless to say the other shoelace is now attached to another hat, and both hats can hang nicely on a single hook.

Why have I never thought of this before?

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