Friday, October 13, 2023

Elbow under reminder for violin and viola students

I always use a golden colored pencil in addition to a graphite pencil when I teach. When I find something I need to highlight, like a finger number or a dynamic, I draw a circle around it with the graphite pencil, and color the circle in with the golden one.

A few weeks ago I came up with the idea of drawing a piece of elbow macaroni to remind a student to keep her elbow under the instrument, and coloring it in with the golden pencil gave us both the impression of macaroni and cheese. Needless to say, my student responded really well.

So I thought I'd share this idea here.

NB I made the above demonstration picture with an ink pen, and, because I could, I added some yellow to the gold to give the piece of elbow macaroni more of a "cheesy" sheen.


ksh said...

Thank you for sharing this. Guitarists can turn it sideways for right hand fingers and upside down for left. And now I know what I'm making for dinner!

Elaine Fine said...

I hope you have fun using this tool, and hope you have a great dinner!

Michael Leddy said...

The people in my neighborhood of origin would be impressed that I married a “girl” who makes her own pasta.