Monday, December 30, 2019

The Nobility of the Musical Blogosphere and an Introduction to Linda Shaver-Gleason

Joshua Kosman wrote a beautiful article in the San Francisco Chronicle in honor of Linda Shaver-Gleason, a musicologist (and blogger) who, in her own words, is "(soon to be) assassinated by cancer." Her Twitter handle is @LindaHyphen (the hyphen signifies that she is the last of the Shaver family, her family of origin), and as a sign of support and respect scores of musicians and musicologists in the Twitter-sphere have added "hyphen" to their names.

I have only come to know Linda's work recently, and have just put her blog, Not Another Music History Cliché, in the sidebar.

I wish I had gotten to know her work earlier!

Update: an interview in National Sawdust.


Lisa Hirsch said...

Has she said that the hyphen indicates that she is the last Shaver? Her parents are still alive and she has a sister, according to this bio. I thought the hyphen was from her hyphenated surname.

Elaine Fine said...

She said it in one of her tweets. She mentioned that her son has her husband’s last name. I will try to find it, but you know that I am not very good at making my way around twitter. Thanks for the bio link! I didn’t know that she was a violist before becoming a musicologist.

Lisa Hirsch said...

Ah, got it!