Tuesday, April 30, 2019

PDF Restoration: My New Hobby

I find using my iPad to clean up less-than-readable files in the IMSLP really rewarding. Yesterday I read the Viola Alta Sonata by Max Meyer-Olbersleben with John David, my partner in musical "crime." We really enjoyed playing the piece, but the state of the viola part PDF in the IMSLP (possibly the only copy available) was not good. The first page of looked like this:

Here's what it looks like now:

Here's a little detail comparison:



I sent the restored part to the IMSLP. You can find it here.


Victor said...

Are you using a graphics program? Or something specifically for music? The results are certainly great!

Elaine Fine said...

I'm using ForScore, which is a PDF reading program. It has annotation features that are music-specific like straight lines for staff lines and "punches" for dynamics and notes.