La Folia, that is. This website gives information about every known setting of the famous tune, and even goes out on a limb to suggest that Beethoven stuck a Folia between measures 166 through 173 of the the second movement of his Fifth Symphony. The page is certainly worth exploring, particularly the nifty chronological map.
Wow, what a great site - the Beethoven "discovery" is particularly cool and unexpected. I Twittered your post, by the way: http://twitter.com/MMmusing/status/5869401414
If you look through it carefully, you will find some contemporary composers who wrote La Folias just for the site. Scroll down on this page to David Solomons and read the comments, then see the final version at his website here
I like the bossa nova Folia a lot.
Dear Elaine Fine,
Greetings from the Netherlands.
For a composer I can always make plenty of room and roll out the red carpet for exposing another Folia;-)
In fact you don't have to be a composer to enjoy making joyful music. 'In die Beschränkung zeigt sich der Meister' (a German sentence) is so true for the Folia-theme with its simple chord progression. I am really fascinated by all those variations.
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